
Assay information


Miniaturized Shake-Flask

Compound Requirements

15μL 10mM DMSO stock
2mg dry powder

Incubation Time

24 hours or as requested

Assay Media

SGF, pH 1.2
FaSSIF, pH 6.5
FeSSIF, pH 5.0
PBS, pH 7.4
Customized Media

Quantitation Methods



0.01 μM HPLC-MS

Data Delivery

Solubility (μM or μg/mL)

We use only miniaturized, gold standard shake-flask assays with quantitation by HPLC-MS, HPLC-UV or chemiluminescent nitrogen detection (CLND) to measure solubility. 

For early screening we’ve applied the equimolar detection capabilities of CLND. Eliminating the need for compound specific calibration, we’re able to provide accurate, shake-flask solubility measurements with just 15 μL of DMSO stock solution.  This method is best suited for rank ordering compounds, predicting solubility for in vitro biology experiments, and whenever sample is at a premium.

When your solubility assay demands high sensitivity or absolute integrity, we employ our state of the art, ultra-high accuracy QTOF-MS for analysis. With sub 2ppm mass accuracy, the QTOF-MS provides absolute identification of the test article.

As compounds progress through the discovery cycle and more rigorous thermodynamic solubility measurements are needed, we offer the same miniaturized shake-flask method with quantitation by HPLC-MS or HPLC-UV. We recommend our XRD-Crystallinity service to give better context for your data.

The data below illustrates the ruggedness and reproducibility of our miniaturized, gold standard shake-flask method. A snapshot of 350 solubility studies executed at Analiza, the on-board performance indicating standards illustrate the long term inter-assay reproducibility of our solubility assay; clotrimazole, for example yielded an average measured solubility of 5.95 μM. Excellent intra-assay precision has been demonstrated with a correlation coefficient of 0.97 for replicate incubations of over 1,500 proprietary compounds with the chemical diversity of drug discovery programs around the world.

Contact us to learn more about our capabilities or to get a quote for your project.